Body Detoxification
There are literally thousands of chemicals invented, manufactured and used broadly over the last eight decades, and from which, we simply do not know all the potential health effects. We are a living-guinea-pig-experiment. For example, the majority of chemicals used in male and female cosmetics have never been fully tested for all potential health effects; and, almost every pesticide invented between 1930 and 1990 considered to be “safe” is banned today.
Certainly, not all chemicals are bad or toxic. Many of the manmade chemicals have improved our standard of living and the quality and longevity of our lives. But we make so many so quickly, none of us have to think long and hard to find a food, a pesticide, an additive, something we all thought was safe that we are now told is unsafe. The recent World Health Organization’s report on radiation from our cell phones is a potent reminder of this.
The majority of manmade chemicals use oil as their basic building block: paints, glues, pharmaceuticals, plastics – can all start with oil. The real health issue is that many manmade chemicals and drugs do not easily break down in our bodies when we are exposed to low levels of them in our air, food, water, homes, cars and offices.
The human body has not fast-evolved in a few decades to where it can easily digest a persistent pesticide, a flame retardant or a heavy metal like it can effectively break down and digest normal food and drink. When these chemicals enter our bodies in various ways through air, water and food, our body is not capable of fully breaking them down and so stores these in the only oil-based tissue in our bodies – our fat.
And it doesn’t matter if we are small, medium or large. We all have fat tissue – our brains are most fatty tissue – yes, we are fat heads. So a single, seemingly innocuous exposure does not go away – it can build up over time. And over time, not all at once, we accumulate toxic substances in our bodies. Because this build up is gradual, its effects are not instantly noticeable.
This is not rocket science. As this internal dose builds up over time, our risk increases. While the risk also has to factor in age, diet, family history, stresses, the simple fact remains: this is dose-risk related. The United States Environmental Protection Agency does a routine assessment of toxics built up and stored in the fat tissue of Americans and it shows that each of us has approximately 100 toxic, carcinogenic, birth-defect causing substances stored in our bodies.
While not something commonly known, in science we have known this for decades. When we see the increase in women’s breast cancer, male prostate cancer, childhood leukemia, autism, hormone disruptions, Parkinson’s disease and others – we have to take pause and ask ourselves: Are we better off with these substances out of our bodies? The prudent answer is yes. No one asked for these at their grocery store.
The solution is twofold:
1) Reduce the exposure to and intake of toxic substances
2) Detoxification
Michael and many others have written and spoken extensively about simple things we can do to substantially reduce the amount of toxic exposure in our lives.When it comes to detoxification there is no panacea. For years, physicians have known that exposure to certain heavy metals can be addressed in a limited fashion with EDTA chelation (from the Greek root meaning “to claw,” EDTA is a chemical that can attach, claw, to heavy metals in the blood and help to eliminate them).
Simply, the reagent EDTA is delivered, normally intravenously under physician supervision, where it binds to heavy metals in the blood and eliminates them through the urine. Chelation has limited workability as it is not effective on fat-based toxins or toxic metals stored in the fat, bone, muscle or other tissues of the body, besides the bloodThe Hubbard detoxification program as described in the best-selling book, Clear Body Clear Mind has proven safe and effective in substantially reducing a wide variety of fat stored toxins and drugs. A comprehensive, yet simple, program consisting of a medical doctor’s physical examination followed by a daily regimen over the course of a few weeks including an oral dose of the vitamin niacin combined with an individually tailored exercise routine and followed by low temperature intermittent sauna or steam sessions to induce increased sweating. The regimen includes water replacement, cold-pressed natural oils, balanced nutritional support – including vitamin, mineral and salts replenishment.
Independent research studies have looked at the Hubbard program including taking fat biopsies before and after the program and measuring some of the most persistent chemicals and some drugs that most of us have stored in our bodies. In addition, sweat and sebum (skin oil) samples of individuals undergoing detoxification were also taken and analyzed. The tests results have invariably shown appreciable reductions of toxins and drugs not beforehand easily eliminated from the body and at the same time documented their excretion in fat, sweat and skin oil samples.
While perhaps helpful to overall health, the various cleanses, herbal formulas, diets, etc do not address fat stored, toxic chemicals.Mr. Wisner founded a not-for-profit medical management company, HealthMed, to administratively assist physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of toxic chemical exposure. HealthMed successfully helped firemen, police officers, farm workers, household pesticide victims and many more over its ten-year history. Michael has presented and published originally scientific research on the Hubbard method of detoxification for:USSR Academy of Sciences and United Nations Man and is Biosphere in MoscowAmerican Public Health Association national conferences: Washington, D.C and San Diego, CAAmerican Academy of Environmental Medicine national conferences: Clearwater Beach, Florida; Chicago, Illinois; Nashville, TennesseeNational Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides; Watsonville, CAInternational Conference on Peripheral Nerve Toxicity in Kanazawa, Japan.
What Michael found equally fascinating was the nearly 2000 “well-patients” that underwent detoxification simply for its potential preventative health benefits. In clinical studies participants were documented to have increased IQ’s, improve neurological reaction times, improved peripheral vision, skin tone, energy levels and more. It is apparent to Michael and many researchers that the Hubbard program might save the lives of poisoned persons and might change the lives for the better of well people. Interesting enough, Mr. Hubbard’s reasons for the program were more far-reaching than all of this, as he was also concerned with the effects of drugs and toxins on a person mentally and spiritually. Mr. Hubbard’s book details this as well. While not a cure-all or panacea, the Hubbard program is an invaluable tool in dealing with the increasing amount of today’s toxic exposure and its potential health ill-effects. Michael looks at it as a twenty-first century survival kit and certainly the place to start for a solid foundation in any personal improvement or health program.
Montel Williams: Kelly Preston & Michael Wisner
Environmental Scientist, Michael Wisner and Actress, Kelly Preston (married to John Travolta) shares the dramatic story of their son's mysterious illness on The Montel Williams Show.
I remember testifying as a witness in a lawsuit against Monsanto chemical company brought by sick firemen who were exposed to the toxic chemicals polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB’s: this a is chemical invented to resist heat and used in electrical transformers and capacitors to do so, later found to be toxic and banned from use) and dioxins (a very toxic chemical associated with the chemical Agent Orange aerial sprayed in jungles during the Viet Nam War to supposedly kill foliage hiding the enemy. Agent Orange contained dioxins as do many chlorinated compounds that burn) in a chemical fire.
One of numerous attorneys representing Monsanto sat across a huge conference table staring at just me and my lone attorney while they enjoyed a panoramic view of Los Angeles to the Pacific Ocean from their penthouse law firm at probably $600 an hour. Their question was on the order of:
“Mr. Wisner, how can you claim that such a very small, low concentration of PCB’s can cause harm or these illnesses?”
My answer was a question:
“The real question is how can Monsanto invent, manufacture and profit from for over 50 years a chemical that you have not proven is safe at any amount? The onus is on you, isn’t it?”
That was essentially the end of the deposition.
Don’t let the chemistry and legalese intimidate you.
The point here, while haunting, is actually very simple and important to you, your love ones and this planet’s health and sustainability:
They simply don’t know.